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Friday 6 May 2016

University of Sydney

University of Sydney

the university was established via the passage of the university of Sydney act,on 24 September 1850 and was assented on 1 October 1850 by sir Charles Fitzroy years later,the university was inaugurated on 11 October 1852 in the big schoolroom of what is now Sydney grammar school.the first principal was john woolley,the first professor of chemistry and experimental physics was john Smithson 27 February 1858 the university received is charter from queen Victoria,giving degrees conferred by the university ran and recognition equal to those given by universities in the united 1859,the university had moved to its current site in the Sydney suburb of camperdown.

in 2001,the university of Sydney chancellor,dame leonine Kramer,was forced to resign by the university governing 2003 nick greener, a former premier of new south wales,resigned from his position as chair of the university graduate school of management because of academic protests againts hi simultaneous chairmanship of British american tobacco.subsequently,his wife,Kathryn Greiner, resigned in protest from the two positions she held at the university as chair of the Sydney peace foundation and a member of the executive council of the research institute for Asia and the 2005,the public service association of new south wales and the community and public sector union were in dispute with the university over a proposal to privatise security at the main campus .

Action initiated by Spence to improve the financial sustainability of the university has alienated some students and staff. in 2012,Spence led efforts to cut the university expenditure to address the financial impact of a slowdown in international students enrolments across Australia. this included redundancies of a number of university staff and faculty,though some at the university argued that the institution should cut back on building programs instead.critics argue the push for savings has been driven by managerial incompetence and indifference,fuelling industrial action during a round of enterprise bargaining in 2013 that also reflected widespread concerns about funding for higher education.

concerns about public funding for higher education were reflected again in 2014 following the federal governments proposal deregulate student fees.the university held a wide-ranging consultation process,which included a town hall meeting at the university great hall 25 august 2014,where an audience of students,staff and alumin expressed deep concern about the governments plans and called on university leadership  to lobby again the proposals.spence took a leading position among australian vice-chancellors in repeatedly calling throughout 2014. for any change funding to not undermine equitable access to university while arguing for free deregulation to raise course costs for the majority of higher education students.

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